
RIS technology impacting bushing technology – and your sales!  

RIS technology is the future go-to technology for most of our bushings. We can’t emphasize enough the advantages of RIS technology, and we want everybody to get on board! Why? 

RIS technology… 

is more sustainable, durable, and safe  

already has a proven track record of success  

will establish as standard for most bushings  

should be YOUR next unique selling point  

Hooked? Then you might be interested in our upcoming webinars! In only one hour you receive all information to integrate RIS technology into your sales pitch and get ready for any customer queries impacting the topics “sustainability” and “bushings”.  

What you need to know: 

For whom? Every colleague from the BIC  

By whom? Alexander Doutrelepont, Senior Global Product Manager for bushings at HSP  

How? Online via Teams (Link provided after signing up)  

Let’s RISe to new horizons!